Introducing our unique visual arts curriculum that takes every child on a journey to various artists and art forms across the world!
The Saturday Art Class curriculum is designed as a combination of visual art-based milestones and various topics that helps children build exposure to the outside world as well as develop the following outcomes:
Critical Thinking
Our curriculum topics ensure that children can understand themselves and are exposed to the world around them; along with inculcating skills of imagination and self-expression!
The curriculum encompasses grade-appropriate art milestones and art objectives that children can
achieve through the art class plans. The curriculum is designed from Preschool 1 to Grade 8 (age group 2 to 14 years)
Indian Art
Children explore art from various parts of India and explore the work of Indian artists. Our art class plans under this theme focus on contemporary and former Indian artists and art forms.
Through the development of a strong sense and knowledge of Indian art, this theme of our curriculum aids in building a positive perspective of cultural identity and self-esteem within children.
Global Art
Children are exposed to a wider range of artists who use different forms and techniques. This topic will focus on art and artists from across the world both from the present and the past.
It is through the development of a strong sense and knowledge of global arts that children can build a holistic perspective about themselves and the world.
Students explore the use of various materials to create things like collages, origami, and other craft-related activities.
The art class plans under this theme will focus on craft-related activities that refine the children's motor skills and put an emphasis on children using their imagination and creating activities related to craft work.
Self-expression and imagination-based activities
Students are provided with prompts in the form of inquiry-based questions.
These questions are designed in a way that compels them to use their imagination and express themselves in their own unique manner.
Students are able to think about different situations and will express what they imagine bringing them to life through self-expression. Through the development of their imagination and self-expression, we build creativity in children.